Power Performance Measurement
Efficiency & Output: Measuring the Benchmaks of Wind Turbine Value
Our evaluations are the basis for minimizing costs, complying with regulations, meeting contractual obligations and maximizing profitability.
We’ll work closely with you through every phase of power performance evaluation – installation of precision testing equipment, comprehensive monitoring during the 3-to-6- month testing period, and data processing and evaluation. When we’re finished, we’ll provide you a detailed final report.
Site Inspections
Turbine prototype evaluation requires a thorough site inspection to determine weather conditions, terrain and geographic or man-made features that might interfere with wind flow and, therefore, measurement accuracy.
Site Calibrations
If there are obstacles to wind flow such as hills, tall buildings or other wind turbines nearby, a site calibration will be necessary. We’ll develop a measurement plan, erect wind measuring masts, and install the most advanced sensors and technologies available, including SoDAR or LiDAR remote sensing systems in some cases. We measure air density, distance between obstacles and turbines, temperature, wind direction and wind speed to establish a valid measurement sector. During our analysis, we identify any corrections needed to offset deviations.
Ongoing Assessments
Once the turbine or wind farm is operating, windtest north-america conducts periodic power performance assessments to ensure turbines are generating the correct amount of power as efficiently as possible.