The Company
The Company
Our winning approach for more than 25 years? We're only successful when you're successful, and we're only happy when you are... -
Energy Assessment
Energy Assessment
Our work benefits wind energy component OEMs, developers, wind farm owners/operators, investors/ lenders, municipalities, grid operators, colleges and universities… -
Type Testing + Technical Expertise
Type Testing + Technical Expertise
Wind energy components are expensive and time-consuming to design and manufacture. We develop and conduct the tests that prove or disprove your concepts prior to mass production...
We Generate the Proof You Need to Generate Wind Energy
windtest north-america provides all the high-quality, comprehensive wind energy testing, measurement, analysis and validation you need to move your wind energy project forward. Whether you're a turbine manufacturer, investor, lender, developer, wind farm owner or grid operator, we’ll help you prove its validity, quality, efficiency, safety and long-term return on investment.
windtest north-america: a reliable partner, by any measure.